Friday, January 20, 2012

The Craigs list King..... Kneel down before his power and might.....Muahahaha

  If your working this system then you have no doubt heard of the Craigs list King. Yes I speak of the mighty John Filippi. As you may or may not know  he is the most successful poster we have on craigs list. I know some of you are getting frustrated with craigs list. At the same time some of you are just starting with Craigs list. Well our illustrious leader has made a new and improved Craigs list training video offering all the Craigs list  magic and mojo you could ever need. So if your account seems burnt out or your just getting started this is a must watch video. The info is invaluable and should help get you back on track with Craigs list. This is the link to the holy grail use it wisely.
May the force be with you.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Facebook and the sheer awesomeness of it all.

  Ok we talked about social media sites. Lets take a moment to talk about facebook. Facebook is a cash cow with untapped potential. There are many groups on facebook that are just waiting to hear from you. They are wanting what you have to offer and don't even know it yet. All you need to do is find them.
  So lets find some groups. There are groups for anything you could possibly think of (and I DO mean anything) So lets start searching. Let your imagination be your guide. Once you search something facebook will bring up tons of stuff, People, pages, groups and so forth and so on. What you want to do is click the group tab off to the left of the results and it will filter down to groups only. Now this is the important part. You wanna go deep. Search more and more results the lists are endless. The problem with the first results you come up with is that everyone has probably already hit them up.
   So you found some groups. The first thing you want to do is look at the group rules. If you violate their rules they will remove your post and in some cases remove you from the group. So you don't want make any admins mad. If they have no rules against posting any ads then go for it. You don't want to post an ad like you do in the paper or in craigs list. You want it to be a little more personable.
sound like a concerned friend offering something great (which it is) You will get a response the likes of which you have never seen before. In truth it is actually hard to keep up with it all.
   So get some groups and save some people from financial burden. Lets stick it to the MAN one opt in at a time.  HoooooRAH

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Follow up is the key to success.

   So you got opt ins. But they are stalling out and either not signing up or they are signing up and not doing anything. Well before you pull all your hair out in frustration lets explore the wonderful art of the follow up. It is wise to follow up with your leads. Give them a call let them know you are a real person and you want them to succeed. I know Ive touched on this before but I cant express the importance of this enough. Most of your completions are going to be because you took the time to call your opt ins and offer info or support.
   Alot of your opt ins are walking down a line with completion on one side and running away on the other. They just need that little nudge to get them on the right side of the line. Most of these people want to do it but are afraid, either because of all the stories of work from home scams (which this is not by the way) or because they just don't think they can do it. Once they see that other real people are doing it they seem to relax a little bit. You want them to relax because it is really hard to sign up someone who has all their defences up. They wont trust you and they think everything you say is to take their money. This wont make your life easier, Trust me.
   They need to understand this IS free and you are there to help them.  The more you can put their mind at ease the better your odds of getting them to both trust you and sign up. The call follow up is your most lethal weapon you have in your arsenal use it and it will work to your benefit.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Reverse marketing....No im not dyslexic

  Reverse marketing means you go to them instead of them coming to you. A really good way to reverse market is to look for people seeking jobs. Craigs list is an awesome place for this. Its simple really you look under the resume section and look for people seeking employment. Give em a call or shoot them an email. You would be surprised how many people seeking a job are interested in what you have to say. In alot of cases they are desperate for work and will welcome anything that could bring them an income. Plus you dont need to worry about craigs list ghosting you....hehehe. 
   Craigs list isn't the only fish in the sea however. Again Ill say it... Think outside the box ( I love that tearm because it means money.) Any time you can think outside the box you are probably finding a market that hasn't been completely exploited yet. Look at places like or, Look anywhere anyone would post to try to find employment.
   So to recap if they aren't coming to you ...Go to them. See isn't that easy. Most of the work has been done for you. You are providing a way to solve their problems and financial worries. Not to mention giving them their freedom back. Stress is a killer and your the cure. So, Dr. go give em a huge dose of Independence and call me in the morning.

Sunday, January 8, 2012 Who knew......O_O

  Ok so your getting some ads to stick on craigs list, Or maybe your not. The thing about craigs list is they track everything you do. As soon as you have used the same link or domain name a bunch of times craigs list doesn't like you anymore. (It really sucks to be hated by someone you love) Remember when I told you all to keep it fresh, Well is a great way of doing that. They are a free domain provider. The free part is with limitations, But will serve the purpose we need.

   So your domain is getting you ghosted on craigs list. That's ok just make a new one to use in your ads. Im not going to go into details on how to set it all up because its very easy and self explanatory once you get to their site. That being said if your getting ghosted try and see if your ads start sticking again.
   If they don't you probably have something else that they are tracking. Ill go more in depth about other reasons craigs list may be ghosting you in my next blog. So stay tuned theres more to come. As I said before we are just getting warmed up.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Its a bird,Its a plane....Nope its just a flyer I put on your car

   If you haven't figured it out by now this is a numbers game. Most people would rather sit at home as watch reruns on TV than try to better their lives. In this business we are seeking out those motivated people who are ready to make their life better. It makes our job easier with alot less headaches. A good way to reach a large number of people is at the walmart parking lot. Yes I'm talking flyer's. Now unless you have an industrial printer at your house it may be better to design a flyer and have it printed off at your local print shop or Staples, Anywhere that does copies would work. However this does cost a little money so shopping around will help save you some money. Copies don't typically cost alot of money so its a good cheep way of advertising. Also you don't need the flashy color copies, black and white work just fine and don't require a second mortgage to pay for them. Walmart is a good place to start but how about the unemployment parking lot. There is a better than average chance someone there needs some extra money. Local collages, job fairs and any store with  nice full parking lot can be a prime location to get those flyer's out there. So now that your armed with your flyer's GO GET EM TIGER.    RAAAAR!!!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Brand yourself...and I dont mean with a branding iron. OUCH!!

  Branding yourself is another way to get people interested in what you have to offer. Because when people are interested in you they are more likely to take an interest in what you are saying. The best way to brand yourself is by blogging. When you blog, you are giving people a way to follow your story or info you are providing. Its also a great way to make new friends and to find like minded people who are interested in the things you are interested in. But blogging is just the beginning. You have to market your blog. That means you need to get your blog in places that people will see it.
   This is where that whole social media thing comes in again. Facebook is a great way to let people know of your blog. Friends are the first step in getting followers to your blog. Other things you can do is publish your blog to interest sites. If your blogging about work from home then find work from home sites and post your blog there. There are endless places you can get your blog noticed and the sky is the limit. Forums, chat rooms, Facebook, Twitter and so forth and so on. Let social media make you famous.
  Another way to market yourself is by word of mouth, Talk to people and make connections. Business cards work great for this. Yes I know business cards cost money..... Or do they. Vista print offers 250 business cards for free, You just pay shipping which is about $4 and poof you now have a powerful branding tool. Hit up job fairs, unemployment offices, collages, laundry mats, again the possibilities are endless.
  Branding yourself means you are getting yourself in the public eye. Your letting people know who you are and what you have to offer. There are so many ways to brand yourself that I couldn't list them all here. just think outside the box. Any time someone walks away knowing who you are, you have successfully branded yourself. So get out there and make yourself a household name. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Social media...Lets rock this joint!!!

  So we are getting opt ins and having some good results. Why stop there. Remember we are trying to make a living at this. So lets expand. Social media is another cash cow. Places like facebook, myspace and any other place you connect with family and friends are great sources of opt ins.
   The great thing about social media sites is that you already have some sort of relationship with the people on them (for the most part.) Now that I have seen that this system is legit and really pays I now have no problem sharing this opportunity with family and friends. I don't have to worry about betraying trust because this system IS legit and family can make good money at it too. I know I really, really like family members who can show me a way to make extra money. Friends like to make money as well. Family already trust you (at least I hope they do) so the process goes alot smoother. Once I decided to branch out into social media I had some family members join our group and they are now making money themselves. That means happy family and more money in my pay pal account (and money in their pay pal account.)
   Social media isnt just your facebook site though, There are hobby groups out there. Find some, Pick things you are interested in. Join the sites and talk hobby stuff, build a relationship. Gain trust because trust is important, And because these are sites you already have an interest in it is fun to chat with people anyways. Have fun with it because work should be fun.
  Speaking of fun do any of you play games online. I do.... Maybe a little too much according to my wife. That being said most gaming sites (msn games, google games and thousands of other free game sites) have chat windows to talk to people when you play. Need I say more..... Ok I will. Chat have fun and offer your system for making money. Its that easy. Chat away, Think outside the box. Anywhere people gather with a common interest is a potential gold mine.

My results thus far....And yes I have results.

   So far we have looked at craigs list and other free ad sites on the Internet as a way of getting your link out there. At this point I am 3 days into the system and am getting opt ins. I have called my opt ins and asked if they have watched the videos connected to my link. I have found that alot of people just call the number rather than watch the video. If they haven't watched the video its wise to redirect them to it. It explains alot about our system and is a strong selling point.  After redirecting them, try to schedule a time to call them back an discuss the system some more with them and answer any questions they may have.
  If they have already watched the video then your job just got a little easier because they now have some idea of what this system is about. This is when you address concerns and answer questions. Start to funnel them into the sign up process.
   People tend to get intimidated by the offer process. This is when you can really build a good relationship with your prospect by offering assistance. Some things I do to make it easier for them are as follows.
   1) Ill offer to track their offers and let then know when they need to cancel a particular offer. This takes alot of the worry and stress out of the process for them.
   2) I give them tips on which offers are free to try and which offers can give them some benefit, Like incentives ( such as the profinity offer and such) Its nice when they can complete their offers and come out ahead.
   3)Moral support is important, Its good to take a genuine interest in their offer process. The more your involved the more relaxed they will become.
   4) This is an option I personally try not to use, Which involves getting a green dot card or other prepaid credit card and letting the customer use it to complete their offers. While this seems like a way to instantly gain trust from your prospect, I still don't like to do it. Its not really necessary. You can get through the offers for free and their credit card is safe and protected at all times. I only listed this option because it is an option and it works well for people who don't have a credit card of their own.
  You see the offers is where you are going to find out who is really interested or not. Those interested will get through the process those who aren't will abandon the whole Idea right here, Which is a shame because it really isn't as hard as it seems and can be completed in as little as an hour sometimes.
  So at this point in my venture I have had opt ins and I got several people signed up with znz1. About 10 to be exact. and out of those 10 people 6 have completed an offer. Remember it only takes 1 offer on znz1 to get paid. So with 6 people having completed offers I now have $120. dollars sitting in my pay pal account. This is the awesome part you don't have to get them through znz1 and znz big cash to get paid, each site pays out as you go.
  So I have just made $120 dollars from znz1 and I now move on to getting them through big cash. This is the biggest stalling point in this whole program. However if you offer assistance and use some of the tips I gave a moment ago people will move forward. So jump ahead 2 more days and of the six people who completed znz1 I now have 2 through big cash and several people with partial completions. Just to recap I have now made just under $300 dollars in a little less than 5 days which Is pretty awesome if you ask me, And were just starting. Plus you are still in your free trial on your GDI domain and it has just paid for itself.
   All you need to do now is get them set up with GDI,Get them the training materials and have them added to the facebook support group. Dont forget the residual income you get from GDI. Is this awsome or what.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The human touch and how it made me money.

So... You got you back office rolling. I mean its pumping out the emails and tracking those leads. But your not quite getting the sign ups like you thought you would ( me neither.) So I ask myself whats missing?  I thought people would be beating down my office door trying to sign up. Did I do something wrong? I got the opt ins but only a few are moving forward and slowly at that. Well that's where the human touch comes in. This next part is important I have found....You NEVER want to actually touch someone. It freaks them out...O_o
  What I mean by the human touch is your voice. Remember those emails you get with your opt ins info on them. That email contains a phone number. Alot of times all it takes is hearing a voice on the phone to let them know you are a real person and not just some automated call center somewhere. By talking to leads you gain trust, Offer more info and assistance.You let them know that you,ll be their sponcor and help them reap the rewards of OPDS. Sometimes they just need to know someone cares, And trust me its in your best intrest to care.  So once you talk to people , offer info and assistance and let them know your committed to their success. You will find alot more people sign up...And sign ups mean you get paid.

Gotta love that back office....I know I do.

So I got some leads....Now what. Well remember that back office you got once you became a member of OPDS. Well it might not be that corner office with the view,Or is it. I moved my computer by the window and now I got a great view.
  Well, That office you got there is pretty cool it does alot of things. The first thing it does is it sends all your(and mine) opt ins a series of emails that you set up in your office. These emails are sent to your opt ins on your behalf. They tell opt ins about our system and how they can get started with OPDS. Its like magic...Ok maybe not magic, but its still really cool.
  What else does this office do you ask. Well, Ill tell you. My back office sends emails to opt ins (you already know that one.) It also tracks your leads. Lets you send personal emails to all your leads and generates reports of all your activity. It has links to training and other tools you can use to generate leads. It does other things as well but lets focus on these for now.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Thats a mighty fine looking Domain you got there, Whats Next?

  Ok so I got my Domain all set up and ready to rock... What now? Well lets see, The possibilities are endless. A blimp over the super bowl with my domain name on it. Or even better the jumbo tron in Times Square. Wait a second......I'm broke. Ok lets look at some ways us broke people can get this thing in the spotlight where the world can see it.
  Ever heard of Craigs list....Sure you have, Every one has. Craigs list is an awesome free way to get your domain seen by millions of people. Mine too for that matter. You have to understand craigs list is a love hate relationship. We love craigs list but craigs list hates us. A real pain in the patootie. But with craigs list persistence pays off big time. With just a few adds on craigs list you can generate tons of leads. The thing is, craigs list doesn't like work from home programs. Even the legit ones. That being said its all just a matter of keeping your ads fresh. Ive found as soon as you start posting the exact same ad over and over the ghost your ad. Ghosting is when you post an ad, But its invisible so no one can see it.
   Craigs list isn't the only cash cow though. There are an endless number of free classified ad sites on the Internet. Many were provided by my sponsor as well as many other tools to help me in this venture. Free ad sites provide great leads and are a lot more relaxed than craigs list.
  See when you place that ad and people check out your domain. The domain that you linked to your link( which is your opt in page with a webinar... Well, you'll see) Well, when people opt in that means they are interested in the Online Pay Day System. When they opt in you will receive an email with their name, phone number and email address.  Pretty simple I think...And were just getting warmed up.

The greek alphabet and how GDI saved me from it. WHEW!!!

So once you got your back office set up you are given your own personal link to the webinars that sell this system for you. All you got to do is get your link out there so people will click on it. Sounds easy enough. So there I was talking to my friends..I was totally stoked I had my link and was ready to make money.
So I say to my friend "Hey friend how would you like to learn to make money from home."
My friend says "You bet what do I need to do"
I say " Its easy just go to http:/ 1249/;293fkl=859 blah blah blah"
 Suddenly it seemed hard again. Because links are based on the greek alphabet and It was a long link. My friend said ummmm I dont have a pen and I cant remember that and I dont speak greek. "
Suddenly I was thinking theres got to be a better way.
 Thats when my sponcer Jean, That lovley lady I told you about in my last post called me up and asked if I had heard of a company called Global Domains Inc. or GDI for short. She told me that they provide Domain names to attach my link to. Also they provide a residual income for their users. GDI offers  .ws domains with a free 7 day trial and  are only $10 dollars a month after that (which is cheap) Also you get tons of extras with GDI like emails and payment for others who sign up under you.
   So armed with my new GDI domain name I go to my friend and say " Hey friend how would you like to make money working from home."
My friend says "Ummmm I still dont know greek and I still dont have a pen"
I say "Friend never fear because you just need to go to for all the details"
Not only could my friend remember that, He did sign up and is making money himself. Plus the money GDI pays both of us.
I said "AWSOME"

Getting Started

  So in order to become a member of Online Pay Day System you must first become a member to the 2 ZNZ sites that OPDS works with. To do this you must complete offers on both sites. This threw up red flags right away. If its free then why do I have to do offers? Well its like this, to become a member of OPDS you need to get qualified on the 2 ZNZ sites. The sites are Zip Nada Zilch One and Zip Nada Zilch Big Cash. ZNZ One only requires 1 offer to be completed, Where ZNZ Big Cash may take anywhere from 3 to 6 offers depending on which ones you do. So Im thinking how is this free. Well...The offers you do are free trials or reduced cost trials. As long as you keep track of the offers and cancel them before the trials run out you will never be charged a dime. So thats what I did. I canceld all my trials and got qualified with the 2 ZNZ sites and was never charged at all.
  Now that I am qualified with the ZNZ sites I was ready to move on to the next step which is to join OPDS and get my back office. The Back office is an online office where you manage all your prospects and work your OPDS system. The set up was easy and I had it done in a matter of minuts. From this point you are ready to go Or are you muahahahahaha..... Just kidding. You are ready. By this time my sponcer had gotten ahold of me and offered help getting set up and making money. This was supprise #1. I didnt know this system came with a sponcer but it does. You see when you opt into the system you do it through an ad or a link that is attached to whoever advertised it. They are your sponcer and from what Ive seen they are commited to your success. My sponcer Jean is wonderful and more supportive than I could have ever hoped for. She showed me the ropes and and had me dive in head first...Sink or swim time....

What is it exactly.

 Online Pay Day System is an online referal system. Their parent company, ZNZ has partnered with major fortune 500 companies such as Discover card, Blockbuster online and Credit just to name a few. They help refer people to these sites in order to try their products on a free trial basis.These companies have included in heir advertising budgets the ability to pay people for refering others to their sites.ZNZ (Zip Nada Zilch) Has 18 sites online at the present time. Online Pay Day System works with 2 of these sites. OPDS (online pay day system) offers complete training and tools in order for you to do this. They also have weekly confrence calls and facebook groups to help work the system. So in a nutshell that is Online Pay Day System. Sounds easy enough...Right? Well lets put it to the test and see what happends.

In the begining

   This is a blog detailing my advenure into the work from home industry. I would like to begin by telling who I am and how I started this venture. My name Is Kelly and I was a construction worker. After several years in the construction trade I found myself leaving my job in order to relocate for a better job that my wife landed. Unfortunatly due to the economy my wifes new job was terminated just 2 months into it. So there we were, no job and no prospects.
  I wanted to find work that I could do on my own terms. I was tired of working to make someone else rich while I was making less than the industry standard. So I started looking at different work from home programs. I had some rules I put in place to help me find the right program. First rule was I didnt want to do a MLM or a pyramid scheme. Second, I had no money so what ever I did do needed to cost no money.
  So after alot of searching I decided to try out a system called Online Pay Day Systems. It was free to join and was not a MLM or pyramid scheme. It looked like it was somthing I could do and it seemed easy enough. This blog is detailing my ongoing journey into Online Pay Day Systems.