Friday, January 6, 2012

Brand yourself...and I dont mean with a branding iron. OUCH!!

  Branding yourself is another way to get people interested in what you have to offer. Because when people are interested in you they are more likely to take an interest in what you are saying. The best way to brand yourself is by blogging. When you blog, you are giving people a way to follow your story or info you are providing. Its also a great way to make new friends and to find like minded people who are interested in the things you are interested in. But blogging is just the beginning. You have to market your blog. That means you need to get your blog in places that people will see it.
   This is where that whole social media thing comes in again. Facebook is a great way to let people know of your blog. Friends are the first step in getting followers to your blog. Other things you can do is publish your blog to interest sites. If your blogging about work from home then find work from home sites and post your blog there. There are endless places you can get your blog noticed and the sky is the limit. Forums, chat rooms, Facebook, Twitter and so forth and so on. Let social media make you famous.
  Another way to market yourself is by word of mouth, Talk to people and make connections. Business cards work great for this. Yes I know business cards cost money..... Or do they. Vista print offers 250 business cards for free, You just pay shipping which is about $4 and poof you now have a powerful branding tool. Hit up job fairs, unemployment offices, collages, laundry mats, again the possibilities are endless.
  Branding yourself means you are getting yourself in the public eye. Your letting people know who you are and what you have to offer. There are so many ways to brand yourself that I couldn't list them all here. just think outside the box. Any time someone walks away knowing who you are, you have successfully branded yourself. So get out there and make yourself a household name. 

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