Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gotta love that back office....I know I do.

So I got some leads....Now what. Well remember that back office you got once you became a member of OPDS. Well it might not be that corner office with the view,Or is it. I moved my computer by the window and now I got a great view.
  Well, That office you got there is pretty cool it does alot of things. The first thing it does is it sends all your(and mine) opt ins a series of emails that you set up in your office. These emails are sent to your opt ins on your behalf. They tell opt ins about our system and how they can get started with OPDS. Its like magic...Ok maybe not magic, but its still really cool.
  What else does this office do you ask. Well, Ill tell you. My back office sends emails to opt ins (you already know that one.) It also tracks your leads. Lets you send personal emails to all your leads and generates reports of all your activity. It has links to training and other tools you can use to generate leads. It does other things as well but lets focus on these for now.

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