Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Thats a mighty fine looking Domain you got there, Whats Next?

  Ok so I got my Domain all set up and ready to rock... What now? Well lets see, The possibilities are endless. A blimp over the super bowl with my domain name on it. Or even better the jumbo tron in Times Square. Wait a second......I'm broke. Ok lets look at some ways us broke people can get this thing in the spotlight where the world can see it.
  Ever heard of Craigs list....Sure you have, Every one has. Craigs list is an awesome free way to get your domain seen by millions of people. Mine too for that matter. You have to understand craigs list is a love hate relationship. We love craigs list but craigs list hates us. A real pain in the patootie. But with craigs list persistence pays off big time. With just a few adds on craigs list you can generate tons of leads. The thing is, craigs list doesn't like work from home programs. Even the legit ones. That being said its all just a matter of keeping your ads fresh. Ive found as soon as you start posting the exact same ad over and over the ghost your ad. Ghosting is when you post an ad, But its invisible so no one can see it.
   Craigs list isn't the only cash cow though. There are an endless number of free classified ad sites on the Internet. Many were provided by my sponsor as well as many other tools to help me in this venture. Free ad sites provide great leads and are a lot more relaxed than craigs list.
  See when you place that ad and people check out your domain. The domain that you linked to your link( which is your opt in page with a webinar... Well, you'll see) Well, when people opt in that means they are interested in the Online Pay Day System. When they opt in you will receive an email with their name, phone number and email address.  Pretty simple I think...And were just getting warmed up.

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