Reverse marketing means you go to them instead of them coming to you. A really good way to reverse market is to look for people seeking jobs. Craigs list is an awesome place for this. Its simple really you look under the resume section and look for people seeking employment. Give em a call or shoot them an email. You would be surprised how many people seeking a job are interested in what you have to say. In alot of cases they are desperate for work and will welcome anything that could bring them an income. Plus you dont need to worry about craigs list ghosting you....hehehe.
Craigs list isn't the only fish in the sea however. Again Ill say it... Think outside the box ( I love that tearm because it means money.) Any time you can think outside the box you are probably finding a market that hasn't been completely exploited yet. Look at places like or, Look anywhere anyone would post to try to find employment.
So to recap if they aren't coming to you ...Go to them. See isn't that easy. Most of the work has been done for you. You are providing a way to solve their problems and financial worries. Not to mention giving them their freedom back. Stress is a killer and your the cure. So, Dr. go give em a huge dose of Independence and call me in the morning.
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