Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The human touch and how it made me money.

So... You got you back office rolling. I mean its pumping out the emails and tracking those leads. But your not quite getting the sign ups like you thought you would ( me neither.) So I ask myself whats missing?  I thought people would be beating down my office door trying to sign up. Did I do something wrong? I got the opt ins but only a few are moving forward and slowly at that. Well that's where the human touch comes in. This next part is important I have found....You NEVER want to actually touch someone. It freaks them out...O_o
  What I mean by the human touch is your voice. Remember those emails you get with your opt ins info on them. That email contains a phone number. Alot of times all it takes is hearing a voice on the phone to let them know you are a real person and not just some automated call center somewhere. By talking to leads you gain trust, Offer more info and assistance.You let them know that you,ll be their sponcor and help them reap the rewards of OPDS. Sometimes they just need to know someone cares, And trust me its in your best intrest to care.  So once you talk to people , offer info and assistance and let them know your committed to their success. You will find alot more people sign up...And sign ups mean you get paid.

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